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  • “It is irresponsible not to provide the best care we can as a medical community, care that could involve marijuana. We have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States, and I apologize for my own role in that.”

    Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Neurosurgeon

  • “Indeed, marijuana is less toxic than many of the drugs that physicians prescribe every day.”

    Dr. Joycelyn Elders, Pediatrician, Public Health Administrator

  • "I have seen many patients with chronic pain, muscle spasms, nausea, anorexia, and other unpleasant symptoms obtain significant—often remarkable—relief from cannabis medicines, well beyond what had been provided by traditional (usually opiate-based) pain relievers."

    David Hadorn, MD, PhD, Medical Consultant for GW Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.

  • “I have found in my study of these patients that cannabis is really a safe, effective, and non-toxic alternative to many standard medications.”

    Dr. Philip Denney

  • “Contrary to what we’ve all been mis-taught [marijuana is] not a very harmful drug… it’s a drug remarkably free of toxicity providing it’s used intelligently.”

    Lester Grinspoon, Psychiatry Professor at Harvard University

  • “The evidence is overwhelming that marijuana can relieve certain types of pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer, and AIDS …”

    Dr. Joycelyn Elders, Pediatrician, Public Health Administrator

  • "Cannabis is one of the best medicines for migraines. It's so effective - it works rapidly, and it has limited toxicity, although lung damage from smoking is a concern."

    Dr. Phillip Denney